- Time to quietly find my shoes and socks
- Time to let Dennis (our dog) out
- Time to quietly stumble to the bathroom
- Time to get the extremely f****ng slow blu-ray player started
- Time to do the workout
- Time to shower
Today, my stinkin' alarm clock didn't go off, and I didn't wake up until 5:40am Or maybe it did, and I turned it off without actually waking up. Whatever. I'm not here to cast blame (or accept responsibility as it turns out). If I do not get this workout done in the morning, it is likely I will not get a chance to do it until after 9pm. Aside from avoiding my little monsters, I have a number of reasons for working out right away in the morning (before eating):
- Physiologically, working out on an empty stomach pulls energy directly from fat reserves within muscles (according to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, published in 2008). Since I'm still working on the 6-pack of rock-hard abs, this is important.
- Productivity at work goes up - this is not just my perception, there have been studies (e.g. 'Exercising at work and self-reported work performance' from Carnegie) which show that incorporating exercise into your work day enhances focus and calm and improves performance.
- If the rest of my day goes to sh*t - at least I got my exercise in. This is just common sense.
Now, if I can just remember where that damned alarm clock went...
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