You are imperfect. It's okay, you can admit it. So am I. We're in great company. One of the best things about being imperfect is that there is always room for improvement. Why is that good news?
The reason this is good news is that the perceived need for improvement drives you to enrich yourself. Reading, playing music, going to the theatre, volunteering, etc are all great ways to become a more well rounded person. But here's the real question: why the hell are my pants too tight?
For the average schmuck like me, all of those other enrichment activities are known as "graduate school". News flash: I've done it. Now life wakes me up most mornings in the form of a knee to the pills from one of my children. I have a wonderful wife, a challenging job, a ton of home projects and some cool hobbies which all need more attention. At the same time, I need to monitor my health and body weight because, let's face it...I am not getting any younger.
Do these blessings sound familiar? The good news (I mean it this time) is that I have become good at managing this particular part of my life. My goal is to write a useful blog which discusses fitness for the regular guy. I am not a fitness professional, trainer, model, pro athlete or etc. I am a project manager, with lean six sigma and agile project management as my current focus. I would like to combine this experience and my fitness "expertise" to help you maximize your results. Maybe it will even save you money.
Some of the plans I have for this blog include reviewing home fitness programs (e.g. P90X (TM), the Insanity (TM), etc), equipment, gadgets, specific exercises, workout crazes, new gyms, and anything else I can think of. Maybe I can even try to answer some of your exercise and fitness questions...with the caveat that I am just a regular guy (and not a doctor or other professional).
That's it for now. Now get on down and knock out 10!
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